Articles of Interest

How to Cite

Jett, S. C. (2012). Articles of Interest. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 26(4). Retrieved from


"Radical Theory of First Americans Places Stone Age Europeans in Delmarva 20,000 Years Ago" by Brian Vastag. Washington, D.C.: The Washington Post, March, 2, 2012. [and many other newspapers]

"New Evidence Suggests Stone Age Hunters from Europe Discovered America." London: The Independent, February 29, 2012.

"Iberia, Not Siberia?" by David Malakoff. American Archaeology, 16(2), 2012, 38–44.

"Critics Assail Notion That Europeans Settled Americas" by Michael Balter. Science, 335(6074), 2012, 1289–1290.


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