
Notice of Critical JSE Updates

The Journal of Scientific Exploration (JSE) proudly serves as the peer-reviewed, open access
journal of the Society of Scientific Exploration (established in 1982). It exists to share the latest
and highest-quality research and thought leadership across all categories of anomalous
phenomena. Our steady improvements have culminated in the large-format journal filled with
diverse authors, topics, perspectives, and article types. In fact, JSE is often the only safe haven
for scientists to publish their maverick ideas and studies. But as the landscape of academic
publishing evolves, it has become evident that sustaining the integrity and quality of scholarly
journals necessitates innovative approaches. Thus, JSE is immediately implementing two

Fully Online Format
JSE has ended print publications with the Spring 2024 issue in favor of a fully online (but
printable) format. This approach offers several advantages, including (a) greater cost
effectiveness, (b) wider accessibility, (c) increased visibility and impact, (d) accelerated
discovery and faster publication times, (e) enhanced collaboration and interactivity, and (f)
robust archiving and preservation practices. Note that readers will still be able to print articles or
full issues on their own. More detailed information about the impact of this change will be sent
soon to current print subscribers.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)
The implementation of APCs is a proactive step towards securing the longevity and vitality of
academic publishing platforms. Therefore, all papers (except for “Book & Multimedia Reviews”
and “Correspondence”) received as of 1 June 2024 and accepted for JSE publication for 2025
and beyond will incur a fee of USD $250.00 for “corresponding authors” who are non-SSE
members and USD $150.00 for “corresponding authors” who are SSE members in good
standing (apply for membership at: Note that
authors’ personal, non-reimbursed payments toward publication costs are tax deductible in the
United States. These modest APCs—while helping to offset operational expenses—also align
with the principle of shared responsibility within academia. By contributing to publication costs,
authors invest in the dissemination of their research findings and support the accessibility of
knowledge to a wider audience.

Thank you for joining and supporting the shared mission of promoting frontier science. We
firmly believe that JSE is a scientific sanctuary that must be protected and preserved so that it
may continue to prosper.