The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon by Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, Dr. Frank Thayer, and Frank Warren

How to Cite

Clark, J. (2012). The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon by Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, Dr. Frank Thayer, and Frank Warren. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 26(3). Retrieved from


One scarcely knows where to begin. Perhaps with this quote from a June 19, 1951, letter—reprinted in these pages (90–91)—written by San Francisco Chronicle editor Paul G. Smith to Variety entertainment columnist and author Frank Scully: “Frankly, I recall that when I first saw your book I thought you were merely having fun with your readers.” The book, the already scandalous Behind the Flying Saucers, which Henry Holt had issued the previous September, was a marketplace success but a disaster in every quarter that did not involve commerce. Even so prominent an early UFO proponent as Major Donald Keyhoe, the first outsider to investigate Scully’s claims of a 1948 saucer recovery near Aztec, New Mexico, rejected them as absurd and fanciful. When I read Scully’s book in junior high school, my impression—even as a naive adolescent—was the same.


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